Breaking Through ResistanceĀ 

andĀ Building Buy In

Do you ever feel...

  • Unsure how to navigate resistance to coaching?
  • Stuck making any progress with some teachers?
  • Like thereā€™s never enough time?
  • Frustrated when your teachers return to their old ways?
  • Unsure how to have tough conversations?
  • Overwhelmed by competing demands and unclear expectations?

Teachers are often hesitant to embrace change. This workshop dives into the root causes of teacher resistance and provides practical strategies to address these challenges. Participants will explore the four levels of resistance, various forms of resistance, and the spectrum of teacher willingness to change. Through interactive learning, coaches and leaders will gain a deep understanding of how to tailor their approach to support teachers at every stage of the change process.

Length: 3 hours

Format: Live


Levels of Resistance

Forms of Resistance

Levels of Willingness

Coaches learn how to differentiate between theĀ different motivations of resistance, behaviors of resistance and levels of buy in.Ā They map their teachers in the frameworks and learn clear next steps in addressing the resistance and buy in.

Concrete Strategies

Coaches utilize the Levels of Resistance, Forms of Resistance and Levels of Willingness and learn concrete strategiesĀ to address the various needs shown on each framework. Coaches are given PDFs and tools to implement immediately with their educators.

Adult Learning Theories

Coaches learn the reasoning behind resistance and the varying forms it takes. Coaches learn how to manage resistance and build buy in utilizing research based adult learning theories.

The Tools You Need to

Impact Teachers

Experiencing Resistance and Build Buy In

Professional Development

3 hours

  • 9 Forms of Resistance
  • Levels of Resistance Framework
  • Levels of Willingness Framework
  • Concrete strategiesĀ 
  • Immersive practices
  • Modeling
  • Coaching support on barriers to success
  • Action Steps

Our Philosophy

We deeply believe in professional development that is engaging, interactive and customized for your unique needs. Because of the customized nature of our work, please contact us for a price quote on this insanely impactful professional development.Ā 

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